7 shared flat rooms in Region Sissach
1000CHF / 35m²
Farnsburgerstrasse 41, 4466 Ormalingen
Available MarchAvailable from 02.03.20257 days onlineonline.since 7 daysDetails zum Zimmer: -Grösse: ca. 35 m² -Heller Parkettboden -Grosses Fenster mit viel Tageslicht -Miete: 1.000.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifithere's a gardenno preference for women or menthere are already pets and/or pets are allowedunfurnished15m²
Schulstrasse, 58, 4497 Rünenberg
Available JuneAvailable from 01.06.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksEr kommt meist Dienstag Abends und geht Donnerstag Nachmittag wieder und ist teilweise übers Wochenende in der WG.shared wifino preference for women or menflat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in orderapartment has a balcony or terraceparking spots available for use/rentWeidweg 105, 4445 Häfelfingen
Available MarchAvailable from 15.03.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksWir sind Stefanie (35) und Tanja (ü40) ruhig, ordentlich, sportlich und suchen noch 2 Mitbewohner/innen in unserer WG.only for non-smokers. Most flats imply this but in these listings it's explicitly mentionedno preference for women or men650CHF
4492 Tecknau
3 weeks onlineonline.since 3 weeks750CHF / 20m²
Rössligasse, 4460 Sissach
7 weeks onlineonline.since 7 weeksAb 1. März möbliertes Zimmer (20 m2) zu vermieten, mit eigenem Bad/Dusche an zentraler Lage mitten in Gelterkinden.parking spots available for use/rentis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifi900CHF
4450 Sissach
2 months onlineonline.since 2 monthsIch freue mich auf ein kurzes Schreiben von Dir gerne mit ein paar Details über Dich.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethere are already pets and/or pets are allowedthere's a gardenapartment has a balcony or terraceparking spots available for use/rent695CHF
4461 Sissach
30 months onlineonline.since 30 monthsapartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture