16 shared flat rooms in Region Ouest lausannois
1000CHF / 11m²
Route du Bois 18, 1024 Ecublens VD
Available FebruaryAvailable from 15.02.20253 weeks onlineonline.since 3 weeksÀ la suite du départ de ma sœur, je suis à la recherche d’une nouvelle colocataire.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifionly women, or women preferred900CHF
Chemin des clos 1, 1020 Ouest Lausannois
1 day onlineonline.since 1 dayRenens, chambres meublées dans un appartement (colocation, maximum 3 personnes) pour un étudiant.there are already pets and/or pets are allowedis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifi1100CHF
1025 St-Sulpice
Available MarchAvailable from 15.03.20251 day onlineonline.since 1 dayHello, Je quitte ma coloc de 4 personnes située à St-Sulpice et je cherche quelqu’un pour reprendre mon bail à partir du 15 mars.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifi820CHF
1 week onlineonline.since 1 weekThere is also access to the kitchen, a big terrace, and a dining room, which the owner practically never uses either.the room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyone1150CHF
1020 Renens
Available MarchAvailable from 30.03.20259 days onlineonline.since 9 days(English below) Bonjour, Je sous-loue ma chambre dans une colocation de 2 personnes à la gare de Renens, du 30.03 au 31.05.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifi1607CHF / 14m²
Rue des Alpes, 1023 Crissier
Available MarchAvailable from 10.03.20253 weeks onlineonline.since 3 weeksVerfugbar von: Marz \nDieses moderne Studio bietet eine zeitgenossische Interpretation klassischer Eleganz und wurde so gestaltet.900CHF
Chemin de la roche 6, 1020 Ouest Lausannois
3 weeks onlineonline.since 3 weeksthere are already pets and/or pets are allowedis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifi900CHF
Chemin de Rionza 3, 1020 Renens
1 week onlineonline.since 1 week765CHF
1020 Renens
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20257 days onlineonline.since 7 daysHello tout le monde. Je quitte ma colocation le 1er avril, et je cherche quelqu’un pour me remplacer.1607CHF / 14m²
Rue des Alpes, 1023 Crissier
Available AprilAvailable from 05.04.20255 weeks onlineonline.since 5 weeksdass es unseren Gasten den besten Komfort bietet. Jedes Studio verfugt uber ein eigenes geraumiges und entspannendes Badezimmer.990CHF / 28m²
Rue de la Baumettaz 6, 1023 Crissier
8 weeks onlineonline.since 8 weeksDans un magnifique appartement de 3.5 pièces neuf de 85m2, nous proposons 1 chambre individuelle à louer.there are already pets and/or pets are allowedapartment has a balcony or terrace712CHF
1023 Crissier
6 weeks onlineonline.since 6 weeksEven though everyone follows their own schedules, there's often someone in the kitchen to chat with.