54 shared flat rooms in Region Bülach
754CHF / 13m²
Farman-Strasse 63, 8152 Opfikon, Glattpark Opfikon, Glattbrugg
7 days onlineonline.since 7 daysDie Zimmer: Es sind zwei Zimmer zusammen zu vermieten, welche einen Parkettboden und über Bodenheizung verfügen.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifino preference for women or menunfurnishedpeople with wg experienced preferred1400CHF / 15m²
Alte Landstrasse 1, 8302 Kloten
Available FebruaryAvailable from 27.02.20259 days onlineonline.since 9 days### Gemütliches Zimmer in WG ab sofort verfügbar bis Ende Mai/Mitte Juni Hallo, Ich suche eine*n neue*n Mitbewohner*in.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentno preference for women or men2500CHF / 15m²
Escherweg, 8304 Wallisellen
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20255 days onlineonline.since 5 daysVerfugbar von: April \nPrivates Doppelzimmer in hervorragender Lage, hervorragendes Apartment.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifi1300CHF / 18m²
Hatzenbühlstrasse, 8309 Nürensdorf
Available MarchAvailable from 03.03.20256 days onlineonline.since 6 daysvoll möbliert 1.5 Zimmer zu vermieten in 4.5 Zimmer Wohnung. Sonnig, Gross, Garten, Balkon. 1min zu Fuss zum ÖV.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifithere's a gardenno preference for women or menunfurnished475CHF / 20m²
Feldstrasse 91, 8180 Bülach
2 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksMit dem öffentlichen Verkehr, Bushaltestelle unmittelbar vor dem Haus, sind Sie innert wenigen Minuten am Bahnhof Bülach.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureno preference for women or men870CHF
Auenring 45, 8303 Bassersdorf
3 days onlineonline.since 3 daysPer latest as 01.05.2024 i am searching for a roommate in my 3 room apartment in Bassersdorf.no preference for women or menapartment has a balcony or terraceparking spots available for use/rent1790CHF / 15m²
Graswinkelstrasse, 8302 Kloten
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekThe apartment has 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3 bathroom, washing room ( WM/WT) , garage, cellar and two large balconies.there is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentapartment has a balcony or terracethe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifi1625CHF / 11m²
Graswinkelstrasse, 8302 Kloten
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekThe apartment has 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3 bathroom, washing room ( WM/WT) , garage, cellar and two large balconies.there is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentapartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifi1250CHF / 15m²
Bruggwiesenstrasse, 8152 Opfikon, Glattpark Opfikon, Glattbrugg
Available FebruaryAvailable from 17.02.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksIch vermiete mein Zimmer in einer 2 WG ab sofort bis Ende April25. Das Zimmer ist möbliert.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifino preference for women or men16m²
8152 Glattbrugg
Available JuneAvailable from 01.06.20257 days onlineonline.since 7 daysWir sind: 🍦 Pascal (34) – Eigentlich Koch, arbeitet aber im Sommer neu in der Gelato-Produktion.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinno preference for women or menthere's a gardenthere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentparking spots available for use/rent780CHF
Rietgrabenstrasse 44, 8152 Opfikon, Glattpark Opfikon, Glattbrugg
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20253 weeks onlineonline.since 3 weeksOn top you get comfortable and quite roommates in their thirties (male x 2, female x 1).apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureonly men, or men preferredFrohbühlstrasse 18, 8152 glattbrugg
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20252 days onlineonline.since 2 days\- At the train station : Coop, Migros, Denner, NA81, Italian coffee shop, butcher, flower shop, post office, etc.parking spots available for use/rentis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture