52 shared flat rooms in Region Bern Mittelland
445CHF / 23m²
Lochweg 2, 3114 Wichtrach
Available MarchAvailable from 09.03.202514 hours onlineonline.since 14 hoursDavid macht gerade eine zweite Ausbildung zum Dentalhygieniker und kocht, backt oder braut gerne.washing machine in the apartmentshared wifithere's a gardenno preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinsmoking allowed in the apartmentthere are already pets and/or pets are allowed800CHF / 15m²
Birkenweg 3, 3053 Lätti, Wiggiswil, Deisswil b. Münchenbuchsee, Münchenbuchsee, Diemerswil
1 week onlineonline.since 1 weekGute Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr mit Bushaltestelle vor der Haustür, Bahnhof/Zug in 5min mit dem Velo.washing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifithere's a gardenno preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to jointhere are already pets and/or pets are allowed790CHF / 11m²
Waldeckweg 44, 3053 Lätti, Wiggiswil, Deisswil b. Münchenbuchsee, Münchenbuchsee, Diemerswil
Available FebruaryAvailable from 17.02.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksZusätzlich biete ich einen Balkon mit Grillmöglichkeit und die Mitbenutzung zweier Parkplätze an.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentno preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinunfurnished860CHF / 20m²
Meienstrasse 9, 3052 Zollikofen
1 week onlineonline.since 1 weekWir sind Beni (29, Führungsunterstützung in der UPD) und Livia (25, in Ausbildung zur Polydesignerin 3D).apartment has a balcony or terracethere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinno preference for women or menwashing machine in the apartment651CHF / 18m²
Seftigenstrasse 226, 3084 Wabern
Available MayAvailable from 01.05.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekDein Zimmer ist 17.7 m² (3.25 m x 5.45 m) mit süd-östlichem Fenster und wird unmöbliert vermietet.apartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifiunfurnishedno preference for women or men1100CHF
Eichweg 26, 3072 Ostermundigen
7 days onlineonline.since 7 daysZudem befinden sich diverse Einkaufmöglichkeiten in 10-15 min Minuten zu Fuss von der Wohnung.apartment has a balcony or terracethere is an active wg life where you're invited to jointhe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyonewashing machine in the apartment670CHF / 16m²
Zollgässli 16, 3177 Laupen BE
Available FebruaryAvailable from 09.02.20254 weeks onlineonline.since 4 weeksDie Wohnung befindet sich direkt neben dem Polycenter in Laupen, der Bahnhof ist zu Fuss in ca. 10 min erreichbar.there's a gardenno preference for women or menthere are already pets and/or pets are allowedunfurnished1300CHF / 40m²
Sonneggweg 11, 3110 Bern
2 days onlineonline.since 2 daysDer Mietzins pro Monat beträgt CHF 1'300.- (inkl. Heizkosten sowie Nebenkosten wie WLAN, Strom, Wasser usw.).only for non-smokers. Most flats imply this but in these listings it's explicitly mentionedshared wifithe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture1200CHF
3322 Urtenen-Schönbühl
4 days onlineonline.since 4 daysFür das schöne Doppeleinfamilienhaus in Schönbühl bin ich, m 34 (mit Hund Malix), auf der Suche nach 2 Mitbewohner*innen.apartment has a balcony or terracethere's a gardenparking spots available for use/rentunfurnishedthere are already pets and/or pets are allowedis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureno preference for women or men895CHF
Solothurnstrasse 60, 3322 Urtenen-Schönbühl
Available MayAvailable from 01.05.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksIch schätze ein herzliches Miteinander, respektiere aber auch den Freiraum des anderen.apartment has a balcony or terraceonly women, or women preferredthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinparking spots available for use/rentis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture590CHF / 12m²
3053 münchenbuchsee
Available MarchAvailable from 31.03.20258 days onlineonline.since 8 daysNous recherchons un.e nouveau.elle colocataire. La chambre se trouve dans un appartement de 5.5 pièces.apartment has a balcony or terraceno preference for women or men29m²
Thunstrasse 73, 3114 Wichtrach
8 days onlineonline.since 8 daysÜber das Zimmer: * Geräumiges Zimmer mit 29 m² Wohnfläche , das ausreichend Platz für Privatsphäre bietet.