2 shared flat rooms in Tann
850CHF / 14m²
Bogenackerstrasse 33, 8632 Tann
Available AugustAvailable from 01.08.20257 weeks onlineonline.since 7 weeksMeine Kinder (24+25) sind ausgezogen, und ich habe immer positive Erfahrungen mit WG-Mitbewohnern gemacht.only for non-smokers. Most flats imply this but in these listings it's explicitly mentionedthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneonly women, or women preferredthere are already children and/or children are allowedwashing machine in the apartmentpeople with wg experienced preferredis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture790CHF / 13m²
Alte tannerstrasse 11, 8632 Hinwil
28 months onlineonline.since 28 monthsDas möblierte Zimmer befindet sich in einem ruhigen Quartier und direkt beim Bahnhof Tann-Dürnten.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture