2 shared flat rooms in Oberentfelden
- 850CHF / 22m²
Muhenstrasse 26, 5036 oberentfelden
8 days onlineonline.since 8 daysAb sofort ist ein gemütliches Einzelzimmer in unserer freundlichen Wohngemeinschaft verfügbar.flat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in orderflat is only available for a limited time - 850CHF / 20m²
Muhenstrasse 26, 5036 Oberentfelden
9 days onlineonline.since 9 daysAb sofort ist ein gemütliches Einzelzimmer in unserer freundlichen Wohngemeinschaft verfügbar Zimmerbeschreibung:.flat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in orderis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureflat is only available for a limited time