3 shared flat rooms in Kollbrunn
- 900CHF / 17m²
Dorfstrasse, 8483 Kollbrunn
2 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksDie Wohnung wird wöchentlich gereinigt – dieser Service ist bereits in der Miete enthalten.shared wifiis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rent - 550CHF / 11m²
Bolsternbuckstrasse 15, 8483 Kollbrunn
Available JanuaryAvailable from 01.01.20257 weeks onlineonline.since 7 weeksIm Mietpreis sind NK (Strom, Wasser, Internet, Hauswartung) enthalten und werden direkt von Eigentümerin bezahlt.shared wififlat mates usually live their only life without interacting much with each otheronly for non-smokers. Most flats imply this but in these listings it's explicitly mentioned - 800CHF
Dorfstrasse, 8483 Kollbrunn
8 months onlineonline.since 8 monthsDie Wohnung wird wöchentlich gereinigt – dieser Service ist bereits in der Miete enthalten.shared wifiis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rent