2 shared flat rooms in Ermatingen
950CHF / 20m²
Hauptstrasse 82, 8272 Ermatingen
Available JuneAvailable from 01.06.202516 months onlineonline.since 16 monthsDas schöne, möblierte Dachzmmer verfügt über ein separates, eigenes Bad mit Dusche/Badewanne und Fenster.shared wifiparking spots available for use/rentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture1150CHF / 23m²
Hauptstrasse 82, 8272 Ermatingen
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.202517 months onlineonline.since 17 monthsBei Bedarf können Sie auch die Waschmaschine und den Trockner - natürlich inklusive - nutzen.shared wifiparking spots available for use/rentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniture