3 shared flat rooms in City of Bern with parking
793CHF / 14m²
3007 Bern
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekZIMMER Das Zimmer ist 13.5 m2 gross mit Aussicht auf das Münster. Das Badezimmer teilt man sich zu zweit.people with wg experienced preferredwashing machine in the apartmentapartment has a balcony or terraceno preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to jointhere's a gardenparking spots available for use/rent950CHF / 15m²
3008 Bern
Available MayAvailable from 01.05.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksZur Wohnig: Mir hei e schöni 4.5 Zimmerwohnig inemne Nöibou gad 2 Minute vom Weyerli (Freibad).flat mates usually live their only life without interacting much with each otherparking spots available for use/rentno preference for women or men850CHF
Mühledorfstrasse 27, 3018 Bern
2 months onlineonline.since 2 monthsHallo zäme. Leider verlassen meine Mitbewohnerinnen bald die WG, und deshalb suche ich neue Mitbewohnerinnen.apartment has a balcony or terraceparking spots available for use/rentflat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in ordershared wifi