106 shared flat rooms in City of Bern
1100CHF / 19m²
Kramgasse 72, 3011 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20256 days onlineonline.since 6 daysDie Wohnung wurde 2022 in Mitten der Berner Altstadt neu gebaut und verfügt über einen hervorragenden Ausbaustandard.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifino preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinunfurnished890CHF / 16m²
Schwarzenburgstrasse 65, 3008 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20257 days onlineonline.since 7 daysDas Zimmer ist komplett möbliert und sehr hell dank einer Fensterfront. Die Wohnung ist grosszügig und Lichtdurchflutet.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureno preference for women or men700CHF / 19m²
Laubeggstrasse 4, 3013 Bern
Available FebruaryAvailable from 02.02.20259 days onlineonline.since 9 daysHallo. Wir suchen eine/n neue/n Mitbewohner/in für unsere gemütliche WG und vielleicht bist du ja genau die richtige Person.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifino preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to join750CHF / 16m²
Wabersackerstrasse 57, 3008 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20259 days onlineonline.since 9 daysDie Wohnung liegt neben dem Liebefeldpark, Busstadtion und Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind alle gut zufuss erreichbar.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifino preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinunfurnished898CHF / 9m²
Stöckackerstrasse 114, 3018 Bern
Available JanuaryAvailable from 29.01.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekCôté langues, je parle allemand et français, donc si tu parles l'une de ces langues, c'est top.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentonly women, or women preferred890CHF / 16m²
Sulgenauweg , 3007 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 31.03.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksDas Zimmer ist 16m2 gross und hat ein Einbauschrank, sowie ein vorhandenes Bettsofa. Zimmer ist komplett möbliert.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifino preference for women or men950CHF
Rathausgasse 63, 3011 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20259 days onlineonline.since 9 daysNeben meiner sportlichen Seite bin ich auch kreativ, koche gerne, lese viel und verbringe gerne Zeit mit Freunden.apartment has a balcony or terraceonly women, or women preferredthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinunfurnished750CHF / 12m²
Bolligenstrasse 30, 3006 Bern
1 week onlineonline.since 1 weekEin gemütliches, voll möbliertes Zimmer ist im ersten Stock eines modernen Gebäudes erhältlich.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifino preference for women or menflat mates usually live their only life without interacting much with each otherpeople with wg experienced preferred850CHF
Lindenweg 18, 3000 Bern
Available AprilAvailable from 15.04.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksHast du Lust, eine neue Gemeinschaft mit tollen Mitbewohner*innen in einem Haus am Stadtrand zu gründen.no preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinunfurnished900CHF / 21m²
Ginsterweg, 3006 Bern
Available FebruaryAvailable from 24.02.20251 day onlineonline.since 1 dayIn meinem gemütlichen Zuhause biete ich ab Februar 2025 ein (teil)möbeliertes, 21m2 grosses Zimmer zur Untermiete an.apartment has a balcony or terraceonly for non-smokers. Most flats imply this but in these listings it's explicitly mentionedshared wifino preference for women or menis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureEffingerstrasse 90, 3008 Bern
Available MarchAvailable from 01.03.20251 day onlineonline.since 1 dayHallo zäme. Wir, Roman (26) und Seraina (21) suchen nach Vereinbarung eine/n neue/n Mitbewohner/in.no preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinflat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in order830CHF
3008 Bern
Available AprilAvailable from 11.04.20255 hours onlineonline.since 5 hoursOb das Zimmer ganz, teils oder unmöbliert ist, könnten wir auch in einem nächsten Schritt besprechen.washing machine in the apartmentapartment has a balcony or terraceno preference for women or menflat mates have a high standard on cleanliness. You're asked to keep the public rooms clean and in orderunfurnished