Unterdorfstrasse 10, 8600 Dübendorf

Room information

1250 CHFper month
online since
5 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


Quiet area, pretty center to literally everything. It will be a flatshare with me, 31 years old, female, I work in a health insurance. I have social media, you will find me under Argjenda Hasanaj or on Insta Argjenda

. I enjoy socialising, cooking and clean actually quite often. I have flatshare experience of 6 years and was always described as easygoing and funny. Cannot wait to meet my future flatmate,

Side-costs are included. Furnitures are for free, but i can remove them aswell if requested.