Schorenstrasse 56, 9000 St. Gallen

Room information

750 CHFper month
online since
2 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.

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Cerchiamo dal 1 settembre 24 un/una coinquilino/a nel nostro appartamento di 4.5 locali a St Gallen. Si libera infatti una camera con bagno uso esclusivo.
Zona residenziale. Fermata bus diretto per Uni e centro città a 50 metri.
Prezzo dell'affitto è di chf 750/mese (incluso acconto spese)
Evt è possibile acquistare alcuni mobili.
Per inf scrivetemi in privato.

We are looking for a roommate in our 4.5-room apartment in St Gallen from 1 September 24. In fact, a room with a bathroom for exclusive use is freed up.
Residential area. Direct bus stop for Uni and city center 50 meters away.
Rental price is chf 750/month (including expenses deposit)
Evt you can buy some furniture.
For further information, write to me privately.