Rainstrasse, 8712 Stäfa

Room information

1050 CHFper month
online since
4 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
has pets/allowed

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Hello, we are looking for 1-2 roommates for our cozy old Flarzhouse with garden, balkony, atelier, panorama hikes and lake view.
Great location and public transportation, lake parks, cafes, cultural center, restaurants, organic farm shop, and much more, feels like a holiday area.
2 rooms are available: Big room 1250.
for single, or 750.
each for a couple
small room attic Mansarde with lots of space for storage and clothes in the attic room, and library section 1050.

including side costs, excluding general monthly costs (including electricity, cleaning supplies, trash bags, ect.) ca. 50.
each person per month.

Short term or long term rent possible. Perfect for students, business trips, or regular living.
We are open minded, relaxed and uncomplicated people, we have a cat, so you must be an animal lover ;-).

Welcome to our little paradise!
If you are interested please send us an email or whats app to +41 79 523 96 35 and introduce yourself, tell about your situation and what you are looking for. Thank you :)