Orenbergstrasse, 8475 Ossingen

Room information

1000 CHFper month
online since
7 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.

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  • flatfox


Modern apartment in Ossingen, 25 minutes by train from Winterthur (15 minutes by car). Apartment is 7 minutes walk from Ossingen station and is located near the countryside with a lot of greenery and river Thur and Rhine in close vicinity. The apartment comes with a built in washing machine and dryer as well as fully equipped kitchen.

I am 35M IT engineer looking for a young adult or student to rent my spare room. I am seldom in the apartment since I spend most of my time at my girlfriend's. I am looking for a responsible roommate to trust the apartment with when I am away.