8953 Dietikon

Room information

722 CHFper month
online since
7 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
shared wifi
men only

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


Hello, I am subletting a bedroom in a shared apartment in Dietikon.
There is a bathroom and kitchen in the flat, and we have a shared laundry room and basement. The bedroom is about 14 square meters.
The roommates are very friendly. They are a PhD from ETH and two Masters from UZH. We are looking for a local who can speak German. We prefer a student from ETH or UZH whose major is math, cs or law.
The room is available from immediately to 2026/06/30. The rent is 722chf per month (all utilities included except Internet), the deposit is three month rent. You can view the room online or on site.
Please introduce yourself briefly in English in the message.