8610 Uster

Room information

1400 CHFper month
online since
1 week
Available from
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
own bathroom

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


* Room to rent in a shared apartment to a working person, student or weekly resident.
* Suitable for 1
non-smoking person
/ für 1

* Minimal duration of stay:
1 week
/ schon ab
1 Woche
* Nice, silent and green neighborhood (you only hear trains)
Only 11min to Zurich
Stadelhofen, 15min to Zurich HB! Nur 11min bis Zürich!
* Only 1min to train station, Coop, Migros, Denner, Post / direkt am Bahnhof
* Furnished room 15m2 with balcony / möbliertes Zimmer 15m2 mit Balkon!
* Nice living room with big TV and beautiful couch
* Modern kitchen with dishwasher, large fridge, freezer, coffee machine, oven and 4-set stove
* Huge Balcony, with a BBQ, table, chairs, couch, tomatoes, etc
Your own private bathroom! / dein eigenes Badezimmer!

* Shared washing machine
* You:
, work 100% or study, don't eat onions, like to clean and tidy up (no messy!)
* Me: I'm a very friendly, open minded Swiss woman, teacher, laugh a lot, love music, hate zigarettes & onions, I am very clean and like it tidy and clean, "My home is my castle" ;-)
* I speak German, Français, English, Italiano, Español, Arabic, etc
* Rent (NK included):
1 week 500
2 weeks 800
1 month 1500 / from 2 months 1400.-

From when to when would you like to stay?
Please tell me about you. Bitte erzähl mir von dir und stell dich in ein paar Sätzen vor.
Von wann bis wann möchtest du bleiben?
À bientôt! :)