8157 Dielsdorf

Room information

CHFper month
online since
2 months
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
has pets/allowed

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


The apartment is a shared 3.5, I’m the first owner and the only one that live here for now. The house has two entrance doors, small garden, two Keller with a big freezer inside, private washing machine and dryer, availability of parking, suitable for smokers and pets allowed.

Localisation: the house is located in the center of the village, there is the 535 bus stop as soon as you cross the principal street that brings to Migros and a building with other stuff like kiosk, fressnapp ecc, always in the adjacent 20m of the house there is also the municipality (gemenide).
A 3 minute walk you can also reach bakeries, supermarket, pharmacy etc.
While the train station is 600m away and also connected with bus until about 20 p.m.
From Dielsdorf to Zurich there are direct trains every half hour, and in 20 minutes you will be at your destination.

About me:
I’m almost 22 years old, I’m from Italy and I speak Italian, English, and bit of Spanish and Deutch.
I like sports, long walks with my dog (I have an Husky of 7 months), deep talking, loud music, organisation, cleanings, 🍃nature, and a lot of other stuff.
I’m just here in Zurich to grow up and make money to enjoy my future life, so I just hope to find someone with the same mindset and energy 🫶🏻