8057 Zürich

Room information

1100 CHFper month
online since
2 days
Available from
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
cleaning service

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


Hoi :) we are looking for a 4th person to join our WG from the 1st of November.

We are Alex - German (25), Sabrina - South African (24) and Giuseppe - Italian (25) who are all working in Zürich. We are looking for someone that has a similar lifestyle to us and is around the same age. It is important to us that we are social and friendly with each other, but also respect each others boundaries and downtime & someone that is clean. We are looking for someone to stay long term and preferably a girl so that we have a nice WG balance.

All expenses (expect Serafe, trash bags & laundry) are included in the rent and the room comes fully furnished (included in the rent so you don’t pay to take over the furniture, but there is no option to exclude it), also included in the rent is a cleaning service once per week for shared spaces. There is also a small shared garden for the entire building.

The apartment building is conveniently located:

* 3 minutes walk to Berninaplatz (with tram 10 and 14)
* 8 minutes walk to Milchbuch (with tram 7, 9, bus 72, 69)
* 15 minutes to HB, 10 minutes to Oerlikon train station.

If you are interested please send through a message about yourself, profession, your hobbies and a photo!

Looking forward to hearing from you :)