8038 Zürich

Room information

1490 CHFper month
online since
7 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


The next 6 months I'll spend in Basel and will only come back to Zürich over the weekends circa every second week for a night. Therefore I rent my apartment as a "shared flat", but actually most of the time it'll be fully yours. It's completely equipped and able to sustain all your needs and requirements.
I rent it out for 6 months but we can prolong it for 9-12 months if necessary, it's up to discussion.
I can also delay the renting appointment from the 1st of September and wait for you if you need some time to move in, that's not a problem.
I am looking for someone who will take care of my belongings as it's theirs :)

Your room will be fully yours, you're able to open and close it anytime you want.

Of course we will ask you to respect the house rules - no smoking in the apartment, no pets and moderate partying :)

Looking forwards to meet you!