3012 Bern

Room information

950 CHFper month
Room space
online since
2 weeks
Available from
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
shared wifi

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  • flatfox


Zwischen Welle des Bahnhofs, dem Inselspital und den Uni-Instituten. Zu Fuss 6-7 Minuten zum Bahnhof. / Between the railway station, the Insel hospital, and the university institutes. By walking you reach the railway station in 6-7 minutes.
16m2 gross, Untermiete in grosszügiger 4.5-Zi-Whg (Zimmer 1 im Grundriss). Mitbenutzung des Wohnzimmers mit 85in TV, des Balkons mit Aussicht auf die Alpen und der Küche (2 Kühlschränke, Geschirrspüler, Waschmaschine und Trockner). Schnelle WLAN-Internetverbindung in der ganzen Wohnung. Separates Bad und Dusche. Miete CHF 850 plus NK 100.
For rent: Room 1 in the plan, 16m2 sublet in a spacious 3 bedroom apartment. Shared use of the living room with 85in TV, the balcony with a view of the Alps, and the kitchen (2 refrigerators, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer). Fast Wifi Internet connection in the whole apartment. Separate bathroom and shower. Rent CHF 850 plus NK 100.