Mühlegasse, 23, 8001 Zürich

Room information

1000 CHFper month
Room space
online since
3 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
shared wifi
has pets/allowed

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


The apartment is very centrally located on the Mühlegasse in Zürich. I have one fully furnished bedroom available for a tenant. The rent is 900 CHF per month and includes electricity, heating, wifi, etc. The shared part of the apartment includes a cozy living/dining room, a kitchen, a toilet, and a bathroom with a bathtub. There is also a small friendly dog living in the apartment.

I like to spend time reading about history, foreign cultures, and much more. I also enjoy any activities related to culture and art, such as visiting museums and music performances. I speak (Swiss) German as well as English. For the tenant, I have a preference for a student or a young professional, and ideally, somebody who is interested in occasional conversation or sharing a meal together from time to time.

If you are interested, please send me a message containing a short introduction of yourself. Feel free to add any questions you might have.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.