Klosbachstrasse 54, 8032 Zürich

Room information

1300 CHFper month
online since
17 months
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.

Gefunden auf

  • ronorp


This June we (myself, the main tenant and a friend who is subletting) are subletting a room at the Klosbachstrasse (close to the Stadelhofen).This flat is a real gem and you will get the room with a romantic baywindow for your inspirational home office.

It comes with a lovely, sociable flat mate who knows the area already since almost a year. He works in finance under the week and is in homeofffice one day a week.

We will make sure you get to see the room, get to know your future roomie beforehand. You can also have video viewings.

Please drop a message and we will take it from there :)