Josefstrasse 23, 8005 Zürich

Room information

1460 CHFper month
online since
2 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
own bathroom

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


Room in central, spacious appartment close to Zurich HB (less than 5min walk). Room will be available in May/June (date can be discussed). You will share the flat with me (28, m, working in finance).

The flat is furnished. We can discuss taking over some furniture in the room. The room comes with a private bathroom (including bathtub). The flat comes with:

* Large living room
* 2 bedrooms
* 2 bathrooms
* Kitchen
* 2 balconies
* Basement

Please contact me for more infos / scheduling a viewing. Glad if you include a brief introduction in your message. Looking forward hearing from you! Michael