Hatzenbuhlstrasse 40, 8309 Nurensdorf

Room information

1200 CHFper month
Room space
online since
8 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
shared wifi

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


* Beautiful 4.5 room apartment
* Sunny with big Garden
* Fully furnished apartment, Furniture-Wifi etc.
* For sharing 1 or 2 big rooms upon request.
* Price is given for 1 private room and private shower + toilet
* Bus stop 1min walk


* Schöne 4,5-Zimmer-Wohnung
* Sonnig mit großem Garten
* Komplett möblierte Wohnung, Möbel-WLAN usw.
* Auf Anfrage können 1 oder 2 große Zimmer geteilt werden.
* Der Preis gilt für 1 Privatzimmer und private Dusche + WC
* Bushaltestelle 1min zu Fuß