Gstalderstrassse 10, 8134 Adliswil

Room information

CHFper month
online since
2 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
pool available

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  • flatfox


Hi! We are looking for an extra roommate to join our beautiful home! It is a lovely multistorey house located in Leimbach, Adliswil, with two showers (four bathrooms in total) multiple bedrooms, a coworking room, a guest room, a gym room and a big garden.
The area is lovely and quiet, with good connections to Zurich and Adliswil. Nearby there is a swimming pool, the river Sihl and many options to buy food within no more than 10 minutes walking distance.
We are 8 roommates and we are pet friendly.
We’re a good mix of nationalities, from Swizerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic, India, Austria and Russia. We all have different jobs but students and people of all ages are also welcome. Our current age ranges between 21-38.
We are a group of architects, engineers, HR and scientists.
We’re looking for a friendly, open roommate that would like to join us for occasionally cooking together. We also have barbecues in the summer. During the winter we also enjoy a good movie and popcorn night.
The room has a big balcony with a spectacular view.
The room newly painted and available immediately.