Feldstrasse 89, 8180 Bülach

Room information

880 CHFper month
online since
30 months
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
own bathroom

Gefunden auf

  • ronorp


A furnished room in a beautiful 3.5 room apartment in Bülach available from 01.03.2022. The room has a double bed, a computer table and a wardrobe. There are 2 bathrooms in the property, so you will have your own bathroom.

25 minutes to Zurich HB, 15 minutes to Zurich airport.

Aldi, Lidl, Denner, Migros are all within 5 minutes of walking distance.

You will share the flat with me. I am an easy going person. I am fully employed, so during most days you will have the apartment mostly to yourself.

Please get in touch in case you have further questions.