Bahnhofstrasse 20, 5200 Brugg

Room information

630 CHFper month
online since
2 weeks
The following properties were extracted from the advertisement description (yellow highlights). Please check by means of the description whether the room/shared flat really has these properties.
shared wifi

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox


This spacious room, approximately 20m² in size and featuring a built-in closet, is available in a shared three-person apartment situated in the heart of Brugg.
The room is rented from May 1st. The monthly rent of CHF 630 includes all utilities and internet access. The incoming tenant must become the main tenant and should possess a stable income.
Additionally, the new tenant is required to purchase the existing furniture from the previous tenant for CHF 900; however, no deposit is necessary.
If interested, please write a few sentences about yourself. Otherwise, we would not consider your application.
The apartment offers shared amenities including a kitchen, toilet, bathroom, living room, as well as a washing machine and clothesline located in the boiler room. Located in an attractive, historic building at the centre of Brugg, this apartment is just a short walk from the train station and Neumarkt.