Albulastrasse, 58, 8048 Zurich

Room information

1350 CHFper month
Room space
online since
2 weeks
Available from
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  • flatfox



The room is only available between the dates 04.07-29.07.

I am renting my room(18.8m2, the Zimmer1 in the last photo) for a month, while I am away travelling! We are three people; two research assisted in ETH from Austria and France and me. The location is pretty good;

* it is in Altstetten,
* close to Letzipark (for groceries),
* the train/bus/tram stations are quite close,
* there is a publibike stop nearby too,
* also a bakery just downstairs,
* there is a gas station nearby with a Migrolino open most of the time
* there are a few places you can park your bike

There is a nice atmosphere in the flat; we hang out together from time to time, cook, watch a movie, and have a beer... Occasionally we have friends over but we try to keep it down after 11pm. One very important point for us: We like to keep the flat
. It is really important that you do not postpone cleaning the kitchen after cooking or use the bathroom with care etc and you do your assigned cleaning duties. We have three cleaning duties we rotate every 2 weeks.

Let me know if you have any questions or want to come for a visit!