374 shared flat rooms in Region Zurich (Zürich)
1883CHF / 21m²
Turbinenstrasse 26, 8005 Zürich
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20254 days onlineonline.since 4 daysZimmer mit eigenem Bad in 3er WG im Züricher Pfingstweidareal/Industriequartier (8005) - unbefristet.apartment has a balcony or terracewashing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifithere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentno preference for women or menunfurnished1200CHF / 21m²
Schaffhauserstrasse 29, 8006 Zürich
Available MarchAvailable from 05.03.20254 days onlineonline.since 4 daysZudem wurde das Zimmer frisch gestrichen, sodass du in einen sauberen und gepflegten Raum einziehen kannst.apartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifino preference for women or menunfurnished1149CHF / 13m²
Ackersteinstrasse 66, 8049 Zürich
Available MarchAvailable from 03.03.20256 days onlineonline.since 6 daysWG-Zimmer in Höngg (12.5m²) Das Schlafzimmer wird unbefristet untervermietet und ist nicht-möbliert.apartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifithere's a gardenno preference for women or mensmoking allowed in the apartmentunfurnished1245CHF / 15m²
Bockhornstrasse, 8047 Zürich
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20251 day onlineonline.since 1 dayHast du Möbel, die du mitbringen möchtest, oder hast du Lust, zusammen auf Brocki-Touren in Zürich zu gehen.apartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifino preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to jointhere are already pets and/or pets are allowedunfurnishedpeople with wg experienced preferred1450CHF / 13m²
Dubsstrasse, 8003 Zürich
Available MarchAvailable from 18.03.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekIch suche spontan für mein WG-Zimmer in Wiedikon ein/e Nachmieter/in ab 15.3. (spätestens 1.4) bis 30.9.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifino preference for women or men1375CHF / 18m²
Albisstrasse 95, 8038 Zürich
Available MarchAvailable from 05.03.20254 days onlineonline.since 4 daysI am listing a shared room in an apartment (~90m2) in Wollishofen, Zurich. I am a 28-year old Italian Engineer.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturethere's a gardenno preference for women or menpeople with wg experienced preferred1500CHF / 17m²
Leutschenbachstrasse 46, 8050 Zürich
Available MayAvailable from 01.05.20254 days onlineonline.since 4 daysFresh air ventilation system and underfloor heating; 🏠 Apartment Features: 5 residents in total sharing a well-maintained space.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentshared wifithere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentno preference for women or menflat mates usually live their only life without interacting much with each other1050CHF / 13m²
Turnerstrasse 31, 8006 Zürich
Available FebruaryAvailable from 24.02.20251 week onlineonline.since 1 weekSalut. Je propose une chambre à louer dans notre coloc sympa, et je pense que tu pourrais être intéressé.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifithere is a regular cleaning service. Might be already included in the rentno preference for women or mensmoking allowed in the apartment850CHF / 18m²
Beckhammer, 8057 Zürich
Available MayAvailable from 05.05.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksDie Miete ist BEFRISTET bis 30.10.25 ev mit wenigen Monaten Verlängerung bis im April 2026. Das ist aber nicht sicher.apartment has a balcony or terraceshared wifino preference for women or menunfurnished1199CHF / 22m²
Felsenrainstrasse 85, 8052 Zürich
Available FebruaryAvailable from 23.02.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksDie Wohnung verfügt über eine sonnige Terrasse, die sich perfekt für entspannte Stunden im Freien eignet.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifithere's a gardenonly women, or women preferred870CHF / 17m²
Gutstrasse 227, 8047 Zürich
8 days onlineonline.since 8 daysHey, Ich suche von Mitte März bis Mitte Juli (genaue Daten verhandelbar) einen Untermieter für mein Zimmer.apartment has a balcony or terraceis fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furnitureshared wifino preference for women or men1450CHF / 16m²
Zwinglistrasse 15, 8004 Zürich
Available AprilAvailable from 01.04.20252 weeks onlineonline.since 2 weeksWir kennen uns aus dem Studium und haben in den letzten sechs Jahren in WGs in Zürich gelebt.is fully furnished, might still be possible to bring own furniturewashing machine in the apartmentthe room offers a separate bathroom which you don't need to share with anyoneshared wifino preference for women or menthere is an active wg life where you're invited to joinpeople with wg experienced preferred