Grundstrasse 2, 8048 Zürich

Room information

1000 CHFpro Monat
Online seit
2 Wochen
Verfügbar ab
Folgende Eigenschaften wurden aus der Inserate-Beschreibung extrahiert (gelbe Markierungen). Bitte prüfe anhand der Beschreibung, ob das Zimmer/die WG tatsächlich diese Eigenschaften hat.

Gefunden auf

  • flatfox
  • ronorp


Dear fellow Zürcher*innen,

I am subletting my beautiful room in our 3-person WG for August - and if wanted, the room would probably be available for the better part of September as well.

The 5-room apartment is well-lit, has nice parquet flooring and very old school bathrooms - yes, that's right, we have a main bathroom and another guest WC + sink. Convenient as hell! There are three bed rooms, one living room and a modern kitchen.

We are: Denise - Emergency nurse at Waid Spital and part-time student. Enjoys being outdoors with her skies, mountain bike or hiking boots but she is also one for chilled evenings at home or wild evenings on the dance floor. Theresa - I told you Denise enjoys being outside. Theresa simply loves it! There is almost no weekend that she has not planned any kind of tour - skiing, hiking, climbing, skiing+climbing, hiking+biking, climbing+cliimbing,... And for these rare weekends when she is not somewhere else in Switzerland she enjoys having social time with her friends, her flat mates or both. And then there is also myself. PhD-student in Psychology and 'Wannabe Yogi'. But I won't be here anyways. So enough of myself or more of me and the other two once we meet you in person.

The flat is located in beautiful Altstetten just a stone's throw away from Letzipark and the stadium Letzigrund. If Letzipark is not enough for you there is also an Aldi, several restaurants and take-aways and smaller supermarkets close by. Altstetten train station is a 10-12min walk and you reach Zurich HB in 10min by bus.

One bummer is the construction site right on the opposite side of the road. They usually start around 7am and finish at 5pm. You should maybe not be a night owl or work during the night (and needing to sleep during the day - although Denise has night sifts too..).

As Theresa and Denise, too, will be traveling for some time in August, there might be a week or two where the apartment is empty and you would be by yourself. But if that's not a problem or even a "Hurraaay", then please write us!

Also, you could move end of July already and use Denise room for the first week. She will be traveling then.

Oh yes, almost forgot... The room comes fully furnished and you would have to take care of my plants. ;)

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Denise, Theresa and Jonas